The Week at MKG Madison . . . October 16th

Happy Monday


What Great Weekend!

Thank you for supporting Guro Diana Rathborne !

Image may contain: 12 people, people smiling
Image may contain: 13 people, people smiling, living room, shoes and indoor
Thank you to everyone who came out and supported Guro Diana Rathborne’s visit to MKG Madison! 
Friday night was Guro Diana’s Filipino Martial Arts and Jeet Kune Do Workshop. We had folks travel from as far as Milwaukee and Chicago to take part in the fun!  It was awesome to see everyone training hard, learning and laughing!  Thank you to everyone who came out.
Then …
Saturday was our Women’s Self Defense Seminar. I think it may have been our biggest yet! 
Thank you all of the ladies that took a whole day out of their busy schedules to invest in themselves and their safety. There were women here of all walks of life. There were mothers, daughters, grandmothers, sisters, aunts and friends. It was fantastic to see everyone learning and taking the seminar so seriously, but yet having fun! 
Personal Protection is not always the easiest thing to talk about. I was so proud of everyone stepping out of their comfort zones to learn some tools that could help them avoid dangerous situations and what to do if they can’t! 
You ladies are AWESOME!

Thank you to all of the volunteers who step up and took a beating for the greater good!

I have already been getting questions of when Guro Diana and Nakita will be back to Madison. You will know as soon as I do! 🙂

This week in class . . .
  • MKG Littles and Kids – It is a Kickboxing week practice up on your Sawks, Kaos, Dtaes, and Hmats ! We will be working on part 2 of the 15 count long drill!
  • Foundations and Kickboxing Essentials is on it final wee of the rotation and finishing our focus on Double Stick Sinawali Drill and Short Tools (Knees and Elbows)
  • MKG Phase 1 – Double Stick Drills with a mobility focus and Muay Thai Knee Reaction Drills
  • MKG Phase 2 – Double Stick 6 count Sinawali Variables and Understanding the Importance of Drill Rounds
Don’t Miss a Class this Week!

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MKG Madison’s Annual Halloween Party

Saturday, October 28th

5 – 7 pm

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This event is FREE!

You can help is to keep the event free in 2 ways:
#1 Donating Halloween Candy
We will happy accept any treats that are . . .
*individually wrapped
*store bought
#2 Donating Your Time
The gym will be transformed into a fun house full of games, challenges and contests.
We would love your help with either set up, tear down and run the games!
There will be a sign up sheet at the front desk!
Thank In Advance For Your Help!

Image result for Thanksgiving holiday schedule


Thursday, November 23rd – Sunday, November 26th

Back to our regular schedule on Monday, November 27th

Enjoy your Thanksgiving Holiday !


Do you have some friends interested in martial arts !
Here is a great way to get them started and also get a perk!
If you haven’t heard we have a great offer for people try martial arts at MKG Madison at a great price.
New students (and previous students that have not train with us for over 6 month) have an opportunity to start a journey in martial arts for only $69.99! This offer includes a Free T-shirt, a Free Introductory lesson and Consultation and 3 classes a week for 6 weeks!
If anyone is looking to get into (or back into) martial arts dont miss this offer!

If you have any friends that would like to check out MKG Madison stop by the desk for an Invite-Only Card for a 1 Week Free Pass.
This can only be given by a current student to a friend that is serious about beginning their martial arts journey! If they decide to join us and enroll for classes at MKG Madison you get FREE private lessons!

We look forward to seeing you all in classes this week! So get in here and get your reps in! As always, we will be Training Safe, Training Hard and Having a ton of Fun! Don’t miss out!
See you at the gym!
Josh, Ruth and the MKG Staff
MKG International Martial Arts Madison