Happy Monday

This week at MKG Madison . . .
• In Foundations Class and Kickboxing Essentials we are in week 2. We are rocking with the fundamental boxing combos and double stick kob kob drills. So, don’t miss it. Everyone is really enjoying the work out!
• The MKG Kids are in week 3 of the new block! We have worked on Reeeeeedondos, new footwork and pummeling thus far. This week we are going to put that footwork to use with some Panantukan (Filipino Boxing) Drills. And we will be talking about Respect all unit! Don’t miss it!
• MKG Littles cracked me up this past weekend! We had such a fun time. This week will be working on some basic boxing single and combinations.
• Our Phase 1 Class have been studying stick deflection with a focus on rear hand awareness. The jab and hook counters will also be part of the plan with some added aliveness.
• In Phase 2 we have been working on Largo mano single stick drills with our angle 5 sumbrada variations. Then trapping on the focus mitts. It has been a fun study.
• And for our Focus classes, you will just have to come in to find out!
The Quick Hit Challenges are Back!
Check up on the dry erase board by the bags for this months “Quick Hit Challenge”.
How many 4 punch combinations can you do in 1 min?
We will have an adult and kids leaderboard. This challenge will be up until May 31st.
The person with the most combos will win a prize! Check the board for rules!
Upcoming and Past Events . . .
Thank you to everyone who showed for review workshop of the Guro Rick Faye Seminar. We had a good turnout and had a great time!

This Saturday, May 20th
Parents Night Out – Stranger Danger Workshop and Movie Night!

MKG Madison will be Closed!

Memorial Day Weekend Friday, May 26th – Monday, May 29th MKG Madison will be closed.
Enjoy your weekend and will see you on Tuesday the 30th
A Leverage Workshop with John Salter
Saturday, June 17th 12:30 – 2:30 pm
Cost $30
More Information to come!
Madison Martial Arts Connection Seminar
at Silver Lining Taekwondo in Middleton
Saturday, Jun 24th 1 – 5 pm
More Information to come!
Refer – A – Friend . . .
If you have any friends that would like to check out MKG Madison stop by the desk for an Invite-Only Card for a 1 Week Free Pass. This can only be given by a current student to a friend that is serious about beginning their martial arts journey!If they decide to join us and enroll for classes at MKG Madison you get FREE private lessons!
We look forward to seeing you all in classes this week! So get in here and get your reps in! As always, we will be Training Safe, Training Hard and Having a ton of Fun! Don’t miss out!
(For those of you who haven’t been to class in a while, what’s holding you back! We miss you! Get in here; we are waiting to see you again!)
See you at the gym!
Josh, Ruth and the MKG Staff
MKG International Martial Arts Madison