Happy Monday from
MKG Kids Spring Belt Testings
Its that time again! Our MKG Kids are getting prepared to demonstrate all that they have learned over the last 4 months. Family and Friends are welcome to join in on the fun and cheer on their favorite little martial artists.
MKG Kids Testing
Wednesday, April 25th at 4:45 pm
MKG Littles Testing
Saturday, April 28th at 9:30 pm
(There will not be any MKG Kids Class on this day)
(If you are not sure that you child is ready for testing please talk to one of the instructors)
Schedule Changes
So with Josh’s recovery coming along, we will be heading back to the regular schedule. With a few changes.
MKG Kids Classes
We have decided that we will be get back to having a single MKG Kids Class on Monday and Wednesday evenings, instead of an early and late class. We will continue with the current adjusted schedule (Monday Late and Wednesday Early) through Testing week and Game Week. Then make a changes for the summer block. Please take a second and answer the one question survey to let us know your thoughts. Thanks!
MKG KIDS Schedule Survey
Morning Classes
The Am Classes will be resuming as of May 1st. It will be meeting on Tuesday and Thursday at 8:30 am These classes will focus on the Filipino Martial Arts.
Friday Night Jun Fan and Saturday Grappling
The instructors leading these classes and I willl be have discussions this week to see if these classes should continue. This will be decided taking into account attendance and instructor availability. We will be letting you know by next week if the current classes and schedule will continue after April 14th.
Upcoming Events
There is still room for they is great event!
Get Registered Today!
Saturday, April 21st Guro Anthony Sell at MKG Madison
Looking for an excuse to make a road trip?
April 14 – 15th Grand Master Chai Sirisute at MKG HQ in Minneapolis
Save this Date May 19th – 20th
Save Some Money By Registering Early!
Preregistration Dates end April, 20th
May 19th and 20th Guro Rick Faye at MKG Madison
If you have any friends that would like to check out MKG Madison stop by the desk for an Invite-Only Card for a 1 Week Free Pass.
This can only be given by a current student to a friend that is serious about beginning their martial arts journey! If they decide to join us and enroll for classes at MKG Madison you get FREE private lessons!
Click here to find out about our Special Membership Offers.
We look forward to seeing you all in classes this week! So get in here and get your reps in!
As always, we will be Training Safe, Training Hard and Having a ton of Fun!
Don’t miss out! See you at the gym!
Josh, Ruth and the MKG Staff
https://www.mkgmadison.com info@mkgmadison.com 608-222-0377