Wow, what a winter, so far!
January kind of let us have it, with lots of snow and incredibly cold temperatures. This has caused MKG Madison to cancel classes for an unprecidented amount of times. We HATE having to cancel classes. When we do close the gym it is always with the safety and well being of our students in mind.
Unfortunately, winter isn’t over yet. We hope that the rest of the season will be snowy and beautiful, but not dangerous. So, continue to watch our social media (Facebook and Instagram) and your email inboxes if the weather begins to look questionable.
Stripes and cancelled classes . . .
First of all congratulations to all of our MKG Kids that earned strip in the past month.
With all of the class cancellations in the past few weeks we know that some of you are behind in getting your stripes. We don’t want you to worry about it. Continue coming to class at least twice per week and everything should be fine! If it seems that you may not have enough time to earn all 3 stripe by spring testing, we will keep the cancelled classes in mind. Keep up the great work kiddos!
Respect, Control, Confidence, Perseverance. I am a MKG Kid!
This Week in Class . . .
Youth Classes
MKG Littles – Meet Mr. Purple!
MKG Kids – New Dbl Stick Drills / Boxing Defenses / Takedowns
Phase Classes
MKG Method Phase 1 – Outside Deflections / Jab – Cross Counters
MKG Method Phase 2 – Knife Tapping / Hubud with entries
THIS FRIDAY, February 8th! – MKG One Hour Club and Celebration
Jill has been training for months for this challenge. Come on and help us cheer her while she is kicking!
This is a potluck event, so bring a snack or something to share! We will be eating and showing our support of all of her hard work!
Jill starts kicking at 6 pm! Don’t miss this inspiring achievement!
Guro Dan Inosanto Seminar at MKG Minneapolis
February 16 – 17
If you have not been able to attend one of Guro Inosanto’s Seminar in the past, what are you waiting for? If you are a martial artist, I highly suggest you make that happen. We are fortuante enough to have him visit the MKG Headquarters in Minneapolis twice a year, in February and September. Guro Inosanto has be travelling for more than half of his life to share martial art with the world. Who knows how much longer he will continue. So don’t miss out. Click below to register for the event!
This Months Adult Testing – Saturday, February 23rd.
Interested in Curriculum Testing?
Testing is not required, but it is a great way to benchmark your progress. Every month we offer our students the opportunity to test through some of the MKG curriculum and is usually held the last Saturday of each month. You are only allowed to test one curriculum and one level at a time. Each test cost only $20.
This month we are offering PHASE 1 and Panantukan Testing!
If you are interested in testing and would like the curriculum syllabus ask Josh and he will print one out for you. To register for the test please put your name, curriculum and level you would like to test on the white board in the gym by the office door.
Now get training!
We look forward to seeing you all in classes this week! So get in here and get your reps in!
As always, we will be Training Safe, Training Hard and Having a ton of Fun!
Don’t miss out! See you at the gym!
Josh, Ruth and the MKG Staff