We are excited to offer a new service for families of multiple students, Our New HOMEWORK ROOM!Previously, our conference room was the “Community Room”, we are happy to announce that it now will now be a staffed Homework Room. It will be a place for students to be productive while they wait for their martial art class or wait for their siblings while they are in class.
The Homework Room will be available to school age students and siblings of students, Mondays and Wednesdays from 4 – 6 pm . The staff is there to supervise students and to help kids with homework if needed. When they finish their homework, they will be encouraged do some positive activities like reading, art work or quiet games until classes are done. This will ensure that they will not distract other students.
There may be some supplemental school supplies available, such as, pencils, colored pencils, crayons, scratch and lined paper. (School supplies donations are welcome)
Please makes sure pick up your children immediately after all of their martial arts classes are finished. The Homework Room will not be staffed after 6 pm.
Having after school activities can sometimes cause your evenings at home to be a little more hectic then you would like. We would like to help take some of that pressure of our families, if we can.
(Students that consistently cause distractions, may not be welcome in the Homework Room until the behavior is corrected. Parents will be notified by staff if there are behavioral issues.)