Hello, I'm New Here.

Starting something new can alway a bit nerve-racking. We understand and are here for you. Guro Rick Faye (Found of MKG International) said something that we have taken very seriously. “Beginners are the heart of the art. Without beginners, the arts will die with us.”
Here at MKG Madison we take that to heart. So we make sure that beginners and cared for well. If beginners are having fun and feeling confident the art will continue to grow.
To that end, let us share a few things that you may feel when you join your first class. That way you know that we understand and have you covered! 🙂
  • I am lost! 

    • Don’t worry, it happens to everyone. Everyone starts as a beginner, even Bruce Lee!  We don’t let our students forget that so, everyone will be very helpful.
  • “I don’t want to slow you down.” 

    • Again, don’t worry. Just let your partner know that you are new and they will understand. Our instructors encourage everyone to slow down to ensure that you techniques are done correct and safely!
  • “I can’t keep up with everyone.”

    • Don’t. Go at what ever pace you can. As long as you are doing your best and staying safe that is the perfect pace. Slow, Smooth and Correct is better than Fast, Sloppy and Wrong every time. As you get more comfortable and confident you will find it much easier to keep up! 
  • Questions?

    • You will probably have a lot of them. Ask! There are no dumb questions. Everyone will be happy to help and if they don’t have the answers they will find out for you!
  • Your main goal is to have FUN!

    • Enjoy the process of learning something new!

If you have any concerns let us know. Talk to an instructor, call us at (608) 222-0377 or email us info@mkgmadison.com

Welcome to MKG Madison! You got this! You are going to do great!