Year in Review 2015

            There have also been great achievements this year! Too many to name all of them. Some that everyone one was able to witness like Belt Testings, 15 min / 30 min / Hour Clubs, 10 Round and promotions. Those were great! There have also been many other personal goals … Read more

Being Present (Part 2)

Be Present MKG Martial Arts Class Madison WIFor the past few weeks, I have been thinking about this idea of “Being Present”. One of the things I love about training martial arts is that it forces me to be in the present. Being in the present is something that I have a hard time doing. I am always dwelling on the past, things that could have done better or things that I am proud of. Those aren’t bad things in and of themselves, but if in we live our lives in the past we will miss what is in front of us. I also seem to spend a lot of time worrying about what could happen and how things could turn out in the future. Again, these are not bad thoughts to have. We need to plan and prepare, but if we spend too much time and thought on what could happen, we can miss out on what IS happening.

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How to get the most out of every class (and life)

So today during daytime Phase class I was reminded of another reason why I love martial arts.

It forces you to be present, be in the moment. You get instant feedback of when you aren’t. When you are truly training in the moment there isn’t time for living in the past or looking forward to the future. It forces you to be alive and pay attention to what is going right at that very moment. If you aren’t present you will mess up the drill, get hit, hurt yourself or hurt you partner.

In life it is so easy to get distracted with the past (something we cant change) and the future (something we can’t predict). If we do either of those things, we miss what is right in front of us right now.

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